The collaboration continues – The Dance The Night Away committee continues to work with our various stakeholders in preparation for the upcoming event on March 23rd. We are lining up our speakers, discussing details on donations and sponsors, and working on logistics. Tickets are now available for purchase online!
Pictured (front, left to right): Kim Galvin (Norfolk Lions), Jim Derick (S.A.F.E. Coalition), Alvaro Tobar (Norfolk Lions), Danielle Rochefort (Norfolk Lions), Rev Ron Tibbitts (#2069 Campaign), State Rep. Jeffrey Roy, (back, left to right): Lisa Roney (Norfolk Lions), Elizabeth Allen (Norfolk Lions), Detective Michelle Palladini (Norfolk PD & L.E.A.P. Program), Bill Hawkins (Norfolk Lions). Not Shown Joan Abramson (Norfolk Lions), Ed Melanson (Norfolk Lions)