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Holiday on the Hill | Winners

The Norfolk Lions would like to thank everyone who participated in our third annual tree decorating contest: Holiday on the Hill! All trees looked amazing and can be seen through January 2nd along Main Street behind the library.

Norfolk residents casted their votes for their favorite tree on Town Hill after Santa came to town. There were lights flashing, there was tinsel flying, but in the end there could only be one winner….

1st Place: Norfolk Public Library

Mario Kart

2nd Place: Boy Scout Troop 80

Campfire with S'mores

3rd place: King Philip Leo Club

Flocking around the Christmas Tree

Honorable Mention: Norfolk Lions

Topsy Turvy Tannenbaum

Everyone who entered the contest is a winner for holiday spirit!

The Andrew's Family

Boy Scout Troop 80

Flooring America Design Center

Friends of Mirror Lake

King Philip Leos Club

King Philip Student Council

Molly Maid

Norfolk Auto Inc

Norfolk Community Credit Union

Norfolk Fire Department

Norfolk Lions

Norfolk Public Library

Norfolk Small Business Association


Wrentham Cooperative Bank



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